Click here to download the Fee Schedule
To pay your fees via credit card, please click here.
Direct Debit Request Forms
Direct Debit Request.pdf
Credit Card Request.pdf
Enrolment Procedures
Parents considering enrolments should obtain application forms and a copy of the school's policy by contacting the office during business hours. Conditions and priority for enrolment do apply and offers of places are contingent upon vacancies in particular year levels. Applications should be lodged in the year preceding enrolment where possible.
It has always been the policy at St Brigid's to assist parents who may be experiencing difficulties in meeting the obligation of paying schools fees and this will continue within budgetary constraints.
Leaving Early Refund Policy
Should a student leave the school during a school term, written notification must be forwarded to the Principal. Library books, 1:1 devices and all accessories are to be returned to the School.
At the Principal's discretion, an adjustment to the Statement of Fees and Levies may be applied based on the number of weeks the student attended the School during the term. If any fees remain outstanding, they will be payable as per the normal payment terms and where appropriate, any fees in credit will be refunded.